How to generate invoices in X-Pro?
From the Dashboard, click on the X-Pro button, then select Invoices and click on Create Invoices to get started. Upon Clicking, a dialogue box will open, fill all necessary details like Pricing details, communication details and then click Generate Invoice button. ( readersHow to sync Inventory with XDRAW project?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on Dashboard option to get started. Select the project you want to Sync. Select the Inventory button from side menu and click on the 'Sync with Project' button to sync X-Pro project with XDRAW project. X-Pro project and XDRAW project will now get sFew readersHow to Add Attachments in X-Pro project?
To upload an Attachment, Go to the X-pro Project's Dashboard and click on Attachments option. Click on select File button to upload an Attachment or just Drag and Drop files here. NOTE: To view Attachment, click on Attachment name and it will get downloaded.Few readersWhere I can view X-Pro Project activity logs?
Introduction The Activity Logs feature in x-pro allows you to track all activities related to your X-Pro project. This can be particularly useful for keeping track of changes and updates. Here's how you can access it: Accessing Activity Logs Navigate to the X-Pro Project's Dashboard. Click on the Activity button to view all activities related to your X-Pro document.Few readersHow to view Drawings & Documents in X-Pro project?
To view Drawings, Go to the X-pro Project's Dashboard and click on Drawings option. Select the design for which you want to view the drawings. You will be redirected to the drawings and document view page for the selected design, where you can view and download any drawing or document. (https://stoFew readersHow to change priority of task?
Go to the X-pro Project's Dashboard and click on Tasks option. Click on the Action icon in the Actions column to edit the task. Upon clicking, a dialogue box will open. Click on Stages button to update the stage as needed and click the Update button to save your changes. (https://storage.crFew readersHow to create a project in X-Pro from scratch?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on Create button to get started. After clicking the 'Create' button, a dialog box will appear. Choose 'Start From Scratch" option, fill out all the necessary information and then click the 'Create' button to get started. ( readersHow to add a vendor in a purchase order in X-pro?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on 'Purchase Order' and then click on any Purchase Order. From the right corner of your screen, under the Vendor column from the drop-down, select the Vendor. You can also add a new vendor. To do so, click on the "Add New Vendor" button in the drop-downFew readersHow can field user see Project's drawings and Attachments?
From the Dashboard, click the 'Projects' Tab at bottom and select the project for which you want to view the drawings or attachments. Click on the desired project, it will show all available designs and attachments. Click on the design name to view the drawings. Click on the attachments to view the attachments. ( readersHow to create an Event?
From the Dashboard, click on "X-Pro" and then select the "Dashboard" button to open the project management options. Open the project for which you want to create an event. Click on Create Event button to add an event for that project. ( readersHow to import Task Template?
To import a task, click on the Tasks button from the Dashboard. Click on the Add Task Template button to view all available templates. Select the template you want to use and click the Import button to import it. ( readersHow to create and send purchase order in X-Pro?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on 'Purchase Order' and then on Create button to get started. After clicking the 'Create' button, a dialog box will appear. Fill out all the necessary information and then click the 'Create' button to get started. ( readersHow to Add new Labor Types in X-Pro?
Click on the 'Settings' option, in the top right profile area. Once you click on it, you will find the 'Labor Types' option under the 'X-Pro settings' tab. Click on ' +' icon next to Labor types to add a new labor type.Few readersHow can field user see Scheduled Events?
From the Dashboard, Click on Schedule tab at the bottom to see all the Scheduled Events.Few readersHow to add vendor in X-pro?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on 'All Vendors' button to proceed. Click on "Add Vendor" button to add a New Vendor. Upon Clicking a dialogue box will open, Fill out all the necessary details and click on Create button to add a New Vendor. ( readersHow to download the purchase order in X-pro?
To download a Purchase Order, click on the purchase order you want to download. From the right side of your screen, click on the download button to download the Purchase Order.Few readersHow to Add Time Entry as a Field User?
Go to the Dashboard and click on Hours tab at the bottom. Click on Add Time Entry button to add a Time Entry. Upon Clicking, a dialog box will open, Fill out all the necessary details and click on Create button to proceed. Done Entry is created in Hours tab. ( readersHow to edit/update Task?
Go to the X-pro Project's Dashboard and click on Tasks option. Click on the Action icon in the Actions column to edit the task. Upon clicking, a dialogue box will open. Update the details as needed and click the Update button to save your changes. ( readersHow to clock IN and OUT as a Field User?
Go to the Field user account Dashboard, Click on 'Clock In' button to continue. Select the Task you are starting, Labor Type and Click on Update button to proceed. Once finished working on the task and wants to Clock out, click the ' Clock Out' button on top to complete the process. This will create a Time EnFew readersHow to change Task's Stage?
Go to the X-pro Dashboard and click on Tasks button. Click the Stage button on the left side of the screen to update the task's stage.Few readersHow to create a project in X-Pro from an existing project?
From the Dashboard click on the Projects button and open a project for which you want to create a project in X-PRO and click on Start Project Management button to start. After clicking the 'Start Project Management' button, a dialog box will appear. Please fill out all the necessary information and then cFew readersHow to add X-Pro Stages?
Click on the 'Settings' option, in the top right profile area. Once you click on it, you will find the 'X-Pro Stages' option under the 'X-Pro settings' tab. Click on ' + ' icon next to Project Stages to add a new stage. Upon clicking, a new column will be added; enter the details as needed. (https://storageFew readersHow to create Change Order in X-Pro project?
To create a Change Order, Go to the X-pro Dashboard and click on Change Orders option. Click on Create Change Order button to get started. After clicking the Create Change Order button, a dialog box will open. Fill out all the necessary information, then click the Create button to proceed.Few readersHow to create a project in X-Pro from x.doc proposal?
From the Dashboard click on the X.Doc button and open a project for which you want to create a project in X-PRO. Click on three dots next to the name of the proposal and click on Start Project Management button to start. After clicking the 'Start Project Management' button, a dialog box will appear. PFew readersHow to update the stages of purchase order in X-pro?
You need to manually update the stage of a purchase order in X-pro. Please find the video attached for the help.Few readersHow to create a Task?
To create a Task, Go to the X-pro Dashboard and click on Tasks button. Click on Create button to start creating a Task. After clicking the Create button, a dialog box will open. Fill out all the necessary information and click the Create button again to create the task. (https://storage.crFew readersHow to add Time Entry?
To create a Time Entry, Go to the X-pro Project's Dashboard and click on Time Tracking option. Click the Add Time Entry button to create a time entry. Now click on Add Time Entry button on left, a dialog box will open. Fill out all the necessary information and click the Create button to create time entry. ( readers