How to create and send purchase order in X-Pro?
From the Dashboard click on the X-Pro button and click on 'Purchase Order' and then on Create button to get started.

After clicking the 'Create' button, a dialog box will appear. Fill out all the necessary information and then click the 'Create' button to get started.

After clicking on Create button it will open-up a dialogue box, fill out all the necessary information and click the Add Products button to include the products in the purchase order.

Upon clicking, a dialogue box will open. From the drop-down menu, select the project for which you want to create the purchase order, Select the products and then click the Add Products button to include products in the order.

Once done, Select the Vendor and click on Send Purchase Order button to send it.

After clicking the 'Create' button, a dialog box will appear. Fill out all the necessary information and then click the 'Create' button to get started.

After clicking on Create button it will open-up a dialogue box, fill out all the necessary information and click the Add Products button to include the products in the purchase order.

Upon clicking, a dialogue box will open. From the drop-down menu, select the project for which you want to create the purchase order, Select the products and then click the Add Products button to include products in the order.

Once done, Select the Vendor and click on Send Purchase Order button to send it.

Updated on: 02/04/2025
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