Can I add my own dealer pricing to the product catalog?
Yes, you can add custom pricing, by sending us the price lists of the products and brands you wish to have your own dealer pricing for. We will add them to your account within 5 working days. Dealer pricing is available in the basic yearly, All Business, and Premium Plans.
Click on the 'Settings' option, in the top-right profile area. Once you click on it, you will find the 'Dealer Pricing' option under the 'Group setting' tab.

Choose a group to apply dealer pricing settings. You can upload your .xls/.csv file by clicking on the 'Upload your File' button.

You can download the sample file by clicking on the 'Download sample file' button below to ensure that the data is uploaded in the defined format.

A background process will read the file and apply it to your account. The process to update dealer prices might take from 24 to 48 hours.
Dealer pricing is available in the basic yearly, business, and Premium Plans
Click on the 'Settings' option, in the top-right profile area. Once you click on it, you will find the 'Dealer Pricing' option under the 'Group setting' tab.

Choose a group to apply dealer pricing settings. You can upload your .xls/.csv file by clicking on the 'Upload your File' button.

You can download the sample file by clicking on the 'Download sample file' button below to ensure that the data is uploaded in the defined format.

A background process will read the file and apply it to your account. The process to update dealer prices might take from 24 to 48 hours.
Dealer pricing is available in the basic yearly, business, and Premium Plans
Updated on: 02/16/2023
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