How can I change the user role?
Click on the Users & Groups Management from the top-right profile area. Once you click on it, click on the "User" option.

Click on the Action button in front of the user whose role you want to change.

Then click on the change user role option. Select a new role for the selected user from the drop-down menu.
Select a group for the user from the drop-down menu after the role changes. Click on the change role button to save your changes.
Only Super Admin and Admin can change the user role.

Click on the Action button in front of the user whose role you want to change.

Then click on the change user role option. Select a new role for the selected user from the drop-down menu.
Select a group for the user from the drop-down menu after the role changes. Click on the change role button to save your changes.
Only Super Admin and Admin can change the user role.

Updated on: 02/16/2023
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