How to upload CAD drawing?
Go to the project or design where you want to upload your CAD drawing.
Under 'Actions', click on the 'Upload/ Create Floor Plans' to upload your drawing.
Once you click on it, it will lead you to the Upload Attachments page, where you can upload all types of attachments by clicking on the 'Upload your File' button.
You can view all uploaded documents on the Your Uploaded Floor Plans under Your Floor plans section.
You can upload your drawings in these formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg, .pdf, .dwg, .dxf.
After the drawing is uploaded, you can annotate on top of them using our drawing-editor tool.

Under 'Actions', click on the 'Upload/ Create Floor Plans' to upload your drawing.

Once you click on it, it will lead you to the Upload Attachments page, where you can upload all types of attachments by clicking on the 'Upload your File' button.
You can view all uploaded documents on the Your Uploaded Floor Plans under Your Floor plans section.
You can upload your drawings in these formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg, .pdf, .dwg, .dxf.

After the drawing is uploaded, you can annotate on top of them using our drawing-editor tool.

Updated on: 01/31/2023
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