Articles on: General

Update card details

To update your card details, please follow the steps mentioned below:

Access Account Preferences

- Click on the "Account Preferences" option.

- Account Preferences

Update Card Details

- Navigate to the "Billing Information" tab.

- Click the "Update Card Details" button.

- Update Card Details

Enter and Save Card Details

- Enter your card details in the provided fields.

- Click on the "Update" button to save the new card details.

- Enter Card Details

Updating Card Details During Subscription Upgrade

You can also update your card details while upgrading your subscription:

Initiate Subscription Upgrade

- During the upgrade process, click on the "Change" button to update your card information.

- Change Card Details

Note: After updating your card details, you can proceed to upgrade your subscription.

Updated on: 07/12/2024

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