Articles on: Integration


This document serves as a guide on how the XTEN-AV Design platform integrates with the Solutions 360 CRM platform.

To use this integration, users need to have active accounts on both XTEN-AV and Solutions360 CRM. This integration is closed and will be activated on a user's account upon request.

Activation Process

Request Integration: Users must first contact the Solutions360 team to enable the integration.
Provide XTEN-AV Email: After the integration is enabled, users must provide their XTEN-AV registered email address to the XTEN-AV support team to activate the functionality.

Once the integration is enabled from both ends, data can be exchanged between the two platforms.

Types of Data Exchange

There are two types of data exchanges between the platforms:

Push Data from Solutions360 to XTEN-AV

Description: This function creates a project, contact, and account using the data sent from Solutions360.


- To send project, contact, and account data from Solutions360 to XTEN-AV, click on "Send to XTEN" on the opportunity page in Solutions360.
- This action will create a project, contact, and account on XTEN-AV.
- Each project sent from Solutions360 is referenced by the QuoteNo field from Solutions360. If a project with the same QuoteNo is sent again, the existing project will be updated.
- The project created on XTEN-AV will be visible on the "All Projects" page and will have its source listed as Q360. It will also display the QuoteNo.

Project Integration Screenshot

Pull Data from XTEN-AV to Solutions360

After creating designs and line items in the project received from Solutions360:
- Users need to go back to Solutions360 and click on "Pull Data from Q360" to retrieve the list of line items added in the Bill of Materials.
- All line items added in various designs in the project will then be pulled into Solutions360.

This integration streamlines the process of managing projects, contacts, and accounts between XTEN-AV and Solutions360 CRM, ensuring seamless data flow and project management.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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