How to sync Account from XTEN-AV to QuickBooks account?
For this, you have to go to the 'Settings' option, in the top right profile area. Once you click on it, you will find the 'QuickBooks' option under the 'Integrations' tab. Select the 'Accounts' option.
Choose Accounts that you would like to be pushed (uploaded) from XTEN-AV into your QuickBooks account by clicking on the 'Push Accounts' button and click on the submit button.

Click on the ‘Sync Account’ button. Once clicked on it all your All accounts from XTEN-AV will be visible on the QuickBooks account.

You will be able to see the accounts that were in XTEN-AV, which are now shown in the Companies section in the QuickBooks dashboard.

Choose Accounts that you would like to be pushed (uploaded) from XTEN-AV into your QuickBooks account by clicking on the 'Push Accounts' button and click on the submit button.

Click on the ‘Sync Account’ button. Once clicked on it all your All accounts from XTEN-AV will be visible on the QuickBooks account.

You will be able to see the accounts that were in XTEN-AV, which are now shown in the Companies section in the QuickBooks dashboard.

Updated on: 12/26/2022
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