Articles on: Projects

What is chatter?

Chatter is a feature that allows you to comment on shared projects and tag your teammates. With it, you can collaborate with your team on any project in an organized, seamless manner.

Steps to Use the Chatter Feature

Access the Project:

- Go to the project in which you want to use the Chatter feature.

Open Chatter:

- Click on Chatter under the Collaboration option.

Accessing Chatter

Tagging and Commenting:

- Tag the person by using @ followed by their username (e.g., @user) and leave your message.

- You can also send messages simultaneously to everyone with whom the project is shared.

Tagging Teammates

Receiving Notifications:

- The tagged user will receive this message via email.

Viewing and Replying to Messages:

- In the email, the user will click on the View Project option. This will lead them to the project page where they can reply to the message using the Chatter feature.

Viewing the Project

Updated on: 06/10/2024

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