How to change labor type to Per Item labor?
In x.doc, you can change the labor type to 'Per Item Labor' and manage labor values for products in your library. This feature allows you to customize labor costs based on individual items, which can be useful for more detailed and accurate cost estimations. Here's how you can change the labor type and manage labor values:
Changing Labor Type and Managing Labor Values
You can change the labor type to 'Per Item Labor' by clicking the 'Per Item' option under the 'x.doc Settings' from the 'Settings' option. Once you change the labor type from the settings, you need to create a new proposal to apply your updated labor.
You can add new labor by clicking the 'Add Labor' button and entering the 'Labor Description' and 'Cost/hr.'
You can edit 'Per Item Labor Cost' for the corresponding labors by clicking the 'Edit' button under 'Action.'
You can bulk update and manage product labor values in your library by clicking the 'Manage Labor' option.
Once you click on it, it will lead you to the 'Per Item Labor' page, where you can update your labor for particular groups by selecting the group from the right side of the group filter.
Under the setting option, you can update your labor Description, labor Cost to Company (/hr), labor Cost to Client (/hr), and labor Cost to Client (/hr) details. Also, you can add new labor to your items as per your requirement by clicking on the 'Add Labor' option. Click the 'Save' button to save your settings.
Under the 'Quick Update,' you can select the brands and categories you want to update labor. Enter the labor time for the preferred brands and category. Also, you can create a Labor Preset based on your brands and category selection.
Note: Super Admin and Admin have the ability to set labor for the organization and group.
In x.doc, you can change the labor type to 'Per Item Labor' and manage labor values for products in your library. This feature allows you to customize labor costs based on individual items, which can be useful for more detailed and accurate cost estimations. Here's how you can change the labor type and manage labor values:
Changing Labor Type and Managing Labor Values
You can change the labor type to 'Per Item Labor' by clicking the 'Per Item' option under the 'x.doc Settings' from the 'Settings' option. Once you change the labor type from the settings, you need to create a new proposal to apply your updated labor.
You can add new labor by clicking the 'Add Labor' button and entering the 'Labor Description' and 'Cost/hr.'
You can edit 'Per Item Labor Cost' for the corresponding labors by clicking the 'Edit' button under 'Action.'
You can bulk update and manage product labor values in your library by clicking the 'Manage Labor' option.
Once you click on it, it will lead you to the 'Per Item Labor' page, where you can update your labor for particular groups by selecting the group from the right side of the group filter.
Under the setting option, you can update your labor Description, labor Cost to Company (/hr), labor Cost to Client (/hr), and labor Cost to Client (/hr) details. Also, you can add new labor to your items as per your requirement by clicking on the 'Add Labor' option. Click the 'Save' button to save your settings.
Under the 'Quick Update,' you can select the brands and categories you want to update labor. Enter the labor time for the preferred brands and category. Also, you can create a Labor Preset based on your brands and category selection.
Note: Super Admin and Admin have the ability to set labor for the organization and group.
Updated on: 11/25/2024
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